Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Best and Worst Dates of 2010

Another year has come and gone.  This year I embraced 30 with open arms.  I started my year off with a boyfriend and I ended it single.  What can I say; you win some you lose some.  However, I am resigned to the fact that 2011 is MY year!  I see nothing but good things coming my way and I am prepared for fun, adventure and lots of new experiences. 
With that said, it is always good to reflect on the good and bad dates of the last year.  I am only counting the dates after my breakup; it really isn’t fair to count the ones with Bee since he was required to take me on awesome dates since he was my boyfriendJ  PS.  I am going to limited it to three each; otherwise this post would be WAY too long to read.
Best Dates of 2010
1.        Coffee and Cigarettes - By far one of the best dates that I have had this year was with someone that I met on Plenty of Fish (POF).  I reached out and initiated the conversation with him because I loved some of the points that he had listed in his profile and he was .  Emails flew back and forth between the two of us for a few days until numbers were finally exchanged.  Then it was non-stop texting over the next few days until finally we arranged a coffee date.  Sunday evening came and we met at 8 pm for coffee at Starbucks.  We pulled up chairs at a table outside and started talking.  The next thing I knew, Starbucks was closed, everyone was gone and the shopping center was empty.  We sat there until 2 am talking, laughing and just enjoying each other’s company.  It was amazing, no other word for it!
2.        Dockside Drinks and Apps – At the end of November my mother convinced me to join eHarmony.  She was convinced that this site was different from all of the rest.  So I did.  One day I started communication with a blue eyed cutie with which I shared a lot of interests and similarities.  After a lot of back and forth, we exchanged numbers and started communicating via phone and text.  It didn’t take long for us to plan a date.  Then the day before that planned date, we both actually had a couple of hours to kill so we decided to meet up for drinks.  As soon as we said hello, I knew that it was going to be a good date.  We had drinks, we had appetizers, and best of all, we had awesome conversation.  After a few hours it was apparent that we had hit it off and our original planned date for the next day was still on.
3.       He Recognized Me By My Hair in the Parking Lot – The first date that I had after Bee and I broke up was with a guy that I met on Match.  I think that I was the one to initiate the conversation but I really don’t remember.  This was back in September.  We met for our first date at Bateman’s.  I was walking across the parking lot headed for the door and he pulled up next to me and smiled and said “it is weird that I recognized you from behind because of your haircut”.  I just laughed.  We sat down at the bar and ordered drinks.  We started talking and the next thing I knew we were laughed and smiling and totally having a great time.  It ended so way that we scheduled date number two before we left.  Things didn’t work out between us romantically but I got a great friend out of it that is going to be in my life for a long time (I hope).

Worst Dates of 2010
1.        Firefighter From Hell - So I met Mr. FF on Match.com back in October.  Pictures were cute and his profile was inviting so I thought it was worth a shot to respond to his email.  So we started emailing back and forth and seemed to hit it off well.  Our first date was arranged.  We decided to meet for a drink and appetizers at Nick’s Fish House.  I already had plans that evening, so this was a last minute, short get together.  Things were going well until he asked to come and sit next to me.  He kept trying to put his arm around me and hold my hand.  Dude, really?  We just met and I am trying to carry on a conversation first before you jump to touchy feely status.  I kept my cool, played it off and the rest of the date went off without a hitch.  It wasn’t a half bad first date so I agreed to a second.  Well that was my epic failure and ultimate mistake!!!  Date number two starts with him coming to pick me up (HUGE mistake).  We head to Fell’s Point to grab some dinner.  After dinner we head to Cat’s Eye to hear to some jams and have some drinks.  He kept trying to force me to get up and dance.  I just wanted to chill on the stool and enjoy, but he wasn’t having that.  I was getting so annoyed to that I wanted to bolt.  He again tried to get all touchy feely just like in date number one.  At this point I was visible annoyed.  I know he could tell.  I just wanted to grab a cab and go home until I realized that I had left my keys in his car.  FML is all I could think.  So finally he realizes that I am done and it’s time to take me home.  We get back to my house and get out of the car and shock and awe comes over me.  He actually says “aren’t you going to let me come in and spend the night”.  WTF..are you kidding me.  So I say “no, you need to go home”.   His response, “you know that I had a DUI last year and I shouldn’t be driving after I have had drinks, you have to let me stay”.  My response, “um seriously, you just drove home from Fell’s with no problem.”   So I get out of the car and start walking in my house.  As he is driving away he says “you know what, you are a horrible person to let me buy you dinner and drinks and then not let me stay, if you aren’t ready to date, get the fuck off of Match, you should truly be ashamed”.  All I could do was laugh as I walked into the house.  Peace out dude!!!!
2.        Sushi Time Does Not Always Equal Fun Time – A lot of times when I receive emails from guys I don’t respond at all.  Sometimes I respond and see where a conversation may go.  If they don’t really seem that interesting I move on.  Sometimes you have an in betweener.  This is a guy that seems ok, could be fun, and leaves you a little bit intrigued but the initial conversation didn’t knock it out of the ballpark.  Usually with guys like this I schedule lunch dates.  So I meet this guy for sushi one day not expecting much.  Good thing I had low expectations.  First, he looked nothing like this pictures (got to love old pictures posted to look recent).  Second, he couldn’t carry on a conversation to save his life.  Third, well hell one and two were bad enough.  Needless to say, there was never a date number two.  The only good part was that I got to have my favorite meal for lunch.    
3.       Guess He Think Third Time is a Charm – I met a guy on eHarmony within a week of being on there.  We decided to meet up for drinks at Nick’s Fish House.  He is attractive, so I am happy.  He is obviously attracted to me the way he is looking at me and proves it by telling me that I am beautiful.  The conversation is going great.  So far, great date! Woo Hoo!!!  Then…BOOM..he drops an atomic bomb on me.  He is 29 and has been married twice and has one child with each of them.  He sees neither one, as they live in different states.  WTF????  FML again!!!  Hello, goodbye!!!

*Note to self – NO more dates at Nick’s, apparently I have no luck meeting people there!
*Funny side note – the majority of the people that I saw on eHarmony, I saw on POF and Match as well.  So there goes my mother's theories. 

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