Friday, March 18, 2011

Birds Do It, Bees Do It, Why Don't We Do It.....Let's Fall In Love

It may not be official yet, but spring has sprung.  Warmer temperatures and more sunshine not only bring blooming flowers and flip flops but bring an increased happiness among most people.  Winter depression and gloom goes out the door and in comes a happier outlook on life; an increase in energy; and for some, the birth of new love. 
I know that it seems like a myth and a cliché to say that when flowers bloom, love blooms.  However, it there is now scientific proof that just that fact.  During the winter, our bodies get less sunshine which brings about an increase in melatonin.  What is melatonin you ask?  It is a naturally occurring chemical compound in our bodies that regulates our daily cycle.  It is also known as the” hormone of darkness”, since it causes us to feel drowsy, have a general lack of energy and keeps us in a ho-hum mood aka “winter funk” .
The warmer the weather gets, the more sunshine we see, the more the melatonin production in our bodies decreases.  This decrease causes an increase in energy and brings about an almost instant mood swing in the upbeat direction.
So what does all of this mean and how does it make a relationship bloom? 
1.        Positive mood changes make you more approachable
Let’s face it folks, when you are in a bad mood and showing a negative attitude do you actually think that makes someone of the opposite sex attracted to you?  That’s a negative ghost rider.  Someone may find you attractive, but if they feel the “cold” they aren’t even going to attempt to make a connection.  Being happy immediately puts a smile on your face.  It’s always a good thing to remember that a great smile is contagious.  You smile, he smiles, the next thing you know you are laughing, giggling and on your way to a date. 
2.       Warm weather allows us to shed layers of clothing and bare little skin
Hello sexy!  Who doesn’t love to see a little skin?  Bare shoulders, sexy legs and toned biceps.  Yes please!  Male or female, bare skin is a turn-on that makes you instantly think of sex.  It might be subconsciously or might be a large neon flashing sign in your brain.  Either way, this drives us to seek out a partner.   You might not realize it, but showing a little bit of skin not only attracts members of the opposite sex, but makes it easier to flirt and aids in reading sexual cues.  Sounds like a win win situation for all parties involved!    
3.       Winter is too dark to start something new
Over and over again, every year I continually hear the same story from October through January.  Friends, acquaintances and even strangers all coupled but admit that it is not exactly where they want to be.    It’s a trend and a fact that people have a tendency to hold on to a relationship, even if they aren’t really happy, just to be in a relationship for fear of being alone.  Winter is cold, dark and too lonely to want to walk away from someone that gives you that little bit of companionship.  Not to mention, those months before the New Year are filled with holidays.  No one wants to be alone during the holidays, so that becomes the main excuse to stay together.  That all changes when spring awakens our minds and bodies and tells us that it is time to make new connections.  It truly is the perfect time to make our hearts sing again and you never know just who out there will hear your tune.
4.       Birds do it, bees do it, even the flowers do it
Winter brings about a hibernation period for flora and fauna.  As humans, we don’t necessarily shut down, but we do crawl to a snail’s pace.  Everything around us starts waking up at spring time.  So why would anything think that we are the exception.  What do we do when it starts to get warm?  We plant seeds in our gardens, water those seeds and watch them grow.  Love is just another seed that needs to be planted, watered and given attention so it starts to take root. 
5.       Spring is nature’s way of saying “Let’s Party”
I don’t know about all of you, but I am always down for a good party.  I am definitely not saying that there is anything wrong with winter/Christmas/New Years dinners and gatherings but they tend to be stuffy, formal and sometimes BORING.  Nothing gets me more excited then breaking out the grill, some come beer and music and having a party outside.  All of nature is celebrating all around us so why can’t we join in on all the fun.  The smell of flowers, grass and BBQ is a great way to wake up the senses and heighten euphoria.  People are more apt to mingle and celebrate the season.  Who knows, while you gather a team to play botchy ball, your next partner may be your always and forever one.       
It’s the end of March with my birthday quickly approaching.  Today is going to be in the 70’s and I currently have on flip flops, which immediately put me in an awesome mood!  I have had a smile on my face for the past week that a sandblaster couldn’t remove; to the point that my cheeks are starting to hurt.  However, I wouldn’t trade it all in right now for anything. 
Spring is a time of birth (including my own lol) and unlimited possibilities.  After a long winters break I am finally tending to my garden and not only do I already picture it full of flowers in bloom, but I can feel the butterflies all around me.  My heart is light and open for all potential love to fill it up…and I have a really good feeling that this is spring for it to happenJ

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