Friday, April 22, 2011


Finally my finger is out of the splint and I am able to type at a normal speed again without missing every other letter in a word.  Yay!!  You never know how much you need your middle finger until you don’t have use of it.  Well, you have use of it in a fun way to always be giving people the bird, but not in a productive way, if you know what I mean.  It’s been a few weeks since my last blog because of this little football injury, so I am glad to be back to writing once again. 
Well ladies and gents today is Earth Day so today to me is the perfect day to get back on the blogging horse.  If there is any topic to people like to get on a soap box about it is the environment. I am certainly no different.
Many of us ask ourselves all the time “what can I do to help save the planet”.  Well the answer is simple.  Little things add up.  So if you we all do our best to change some small things, then we all contribute to the big picture.
1.       Conserve power
It’s a bit chilly here in Maryland this morning so I know a lot of you are reaching for the thermostat to turn up the heat.  Wrong!!!  There is no need to crank that heat up to 68 degrees.  The best way to stay warm on a cold do is with body heat.  Grab a partner and warm it up.  Not only will you stay nice and toasty but you will be helping to keep energy cost and consumption down.  I don’t need to even mention the other added bonus’, you can use your imagination.
2.       Plant a seed
No I am not talking about getting pregnant.  If you are looking for a cool date idea, then look no further than  Find an event, plan a date and go make a spark.  In the process of growing a relationship you will also be helping to grow awareness, beautify the plant and continue life for future generations.
3.       Recycling
Cans, plastic bottles, paper, metal, cell phones, cardboard, rubber, electronics and many more things can all be recycled.  How about on this Earth Day my single friends consider recycling old partners.  I know that ex’s are ex’s for a reason (I live by that phrase) but if that reason wasn’t because they were terrible in bed, then why not recycle a little booty instead of being out and about trying to find some strange.  Just a suggestion to keep those numbers down and prevent the next day regret when you wake up and find that instead of a name you have “brown hair/blue shirt/J name” in your phone.
4.        Go on a hike
Are you looking for a romantic date idea that gets you out and about to be one with nature?  Well there is nothing better than hitting the trail for some fun exercise with a partner.  Find a local trail that is a semi secluded.  You will be alone in the beauty of Mother Nature. Who knows what you will discover and what fun you could have (hint hint).  Just make sure that if you find a spot to explore the earth that you look first and make sure that you aren’t rolling around in poison ivy.  No one likes itchy private parts, nor does the scratching in those areas look attractive.
5.       Water Conservation
As I child I learned early to not leave the water running when I was brushing my teeth; to take short showers and to make sure that the hose was not leaking after it was used.  This was ingrained in me while in elementary school.  As I got older I learned that not everyone follows these rules.  I have lived with my fair share of people over the years and I have found that one way to cut down on water consumption is to shower together.  I don’t mean you should go hop in the shower right now with your roommate, which may be a little odd if you aren’t sleeping together (but if you are, why the hell not).  Shower time with your partner not only conserves water but can be both productive and seductive at the same time.  Remember suds = sexy!!!
6.       Cut down on your carbon footprint
The less trash you personally produce, the less trash ends up congestion our landfills. Today is Friday.  This is the last day of the work week for many of us (unless you are lucky to be off work today like meJ).  Around five (beer) o’clock today, a large majority of us will pile into local bars to partake in that wonderful end of the work week tradition known as happy hour.  Ah I do love a good happy hour special.  I ask that on today of all days, you skip the bottles (unless your bar has recycle bins placed strategically around, which I doubt) and opt for the bottomless cup.  Not only are you getting a great deal, lowering your inhibitions for the evening and the weekend to come, but you are reducing the waste.  Who knows if your inhibitions lower enough you could not only be doing this small thing but later in the night you could have find a partner to go home with you and accomplish number 1 and 5 as well.
7.       Skip the wasteful restaurant and cook at home together
I have said over and over that there is nothing more romantic than making a meal together in the kitchen with your partner.  Today is no different however; to make it fit the Earth Day theme, make it a challenge.  Plan ahead your meal and try to keep the food waste to a minimum.  Plan a menu that will allow you to use food parts that you would normally throw away in other parts of the meal or in future dishes.  Trust me it is a win win.  You two will be talking, working together and having fun, making a great mean and cutting down on food waste.  How great is that!!!
8.       Buy CFL’s
I am sure that most of you think that I am referring to Compact Florescent Light Bulbs.  In my everyday life you would be correct (since I work in lighting), however, today I am writing as Mama and not a Customer Service Rep for Sunter Lighting.  In Mama’s world, CFL’s stand for Condoms Fortification Limiting Sperm – AKA preventing reproduction.   The world is overrun with people consuming precious recourses.  If you aren’t ready to add another spawn into the masses…..WRAP IT UP!!!! **Side note** I know that one thing that we can do for the environment is to reuse items…a condom is not one of those things on the list.
9.        Get Active
Any kind of physical activity is good for our bodies, but it is also good for environment.  Has everyone watched Wall-E?  The fatter we get, the lazier we get, the more food we need and the more dependent on products we become.  It’s a vicious cycle that can be halted by increasing our activity level.  I am not suggesting any specific activities, but I live by the motto…JUST DO IT!
10.     Go Naked
Yes, in this one I do mean take it all off and don’t wear any clothes – if you aren’t going anywhere that is.  Less laundry equals less water consumption, energy consumption, resource reduction (detergent/dryer sheets) and noise reduction (if you have an old machine).  Why not bear it all.  Now you have to work today, or plan on doing anything outside, you obviously can’t participate in this suggestion until later.
However, you can do some other “Go Naked” things.  In this case I am not speaking literally, but figuratively. Why not try shedding modern conveniences and get back to basics. Skip the car and walk.  Cars produce air pollution and guzzle down our gas supply. If you live too far away to walk to your destination, grab a bike or carpool. Combine all your daily errands into one trip.  Remember that every little gesture helps!!
We only have one Earth (unless you watch the SiFi channel like me and you really do hope that there is an Earth 2 out there lol), so do you part!  I know I will do my best to follow these 10 suggestions today.  I can almost guarantee that 90% of them will occur by day’s end…and that will make for one happy Mama J

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